Training & Professional Development

Our Approach To Learning

Continuous learning is a necessity for leaders to ensure that expertise, strategy, and relational skills remain relevant. Our proprietary leadership training courses and certificate programs offer unique enrichment on your journey that cannot be found anywhere else. Our passionate team of coaches is here to help you get ahead of the trends, anticipate challenges on the horizon, and address historical concerns within your organizations and communities.
  • Engage groups at the deepest levels to transform work into service with meaning.
  • Inspire agents of change to lead revolutionary acts of innovation and compassion.
  • Understand what it takes to lead, follow and contribute to change initiatives.
  • Organize diverse people around a common goal to improve the human experience.

Explore Our Courses By Category

HUE™ Courses

  • HUE™ Conversation

  • Prevention Leaders Cohort

  • Virtual Engagement Workshops

  • Framework for Active Community Engagement

  • HUE™ Graphics

  • Transformational Leadership 3-Day Workshop

Self-Discovery Tools

  • Insights Discovery®

  • Lumina Learning®

ToP Courses

  • ToP Facilitation Methods® 2-Day Workshop

  • Mastering ToP®

  • ToP® Strategic Planning 2-Day Workshop

  • Accelerated Action Planning Half Day Workshop

  • Secrets of Implementation 2-Day Workshop

  • Approaches to Environmental Scanning

Womanhood in
Leadership Learning

This is a virtual community intentionally designed for leadership development where everyday female leaders can freely express their emotions, challenges, and dreams to solve problems around culture change and social innovation.

view Our Course Catalog


HueLife offers credits for
continuing education.

Browse the list of associations that accept continuing education credits upon the completion of HueLife training opportunities. If your organization would like to be included in this list of approved HueLife training credits, please contact us.

Accepts Approved HueLife
Training as Credits


Certified Health Education Specialists earn 13.5 CHES-MCHES hours from NCHEC (National Commission for Health Education Credentialing) and Continuing Education Credit Activities for ToP Facilitation Methods and ToP Strategic Planning


APA (American Planning Association) members earn 14.5 Certification Maintenance units from AICP for ToP Facilitation Methods, ToP Strategic Planning and Top Secrets of Implementation

NAICS Certified

HueLife is also NAICS-certified in Professional Development and Management Consulting. 

Here are the CERT code numbers:

  • NAICS 611430 Professional Development

  • NAICS 541618 Management Consulting


Normandale Community College is pleased to offer Continuing Education Units (CEU) to all participants in HueLife events.


Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® holders earn 14 Professional Development Units (PDUs) for ToP Facilitation Methods, ToP Secrets of Implementation, and ToP Strategic Planning courses.  


BOSA , or Board of School Administrators, members earn 14 credits for ToP Facilitation Methods

What Our Clients Say

The Hue Conversations training provided actionable steps and insight to facilitating productive and meaningful conversation experiences where every voice is heard and trusting relationships are built. The guiding principles, methods, and framework can improve your engagement and outcomes at all levels. I highly recommend this course.
Theresa Price
Program Developer|Continuing Education
|North Iowa Area Community College|